Sup, iam Thomas Clark, Don’t miss me too much.

What Does Ya Bit Mean In Arabic?

Yani –The Arabic for ‘you know’, ‘so’, ’like’ or in French alors. The word peppers Arabic conversation to such an extent that you’ll probably find it, yani, really hard to stop saying it when you get home. 8. Inshallah. Meaning God Willing.Oct 9, 2012

Fake Aladdin! - A Whole New World, Parody Arab so funny!! 3way Asiska (Cover)

Music & Video by Fiyan Triway Asiska (You can follow me on Instagram @3wayAsiska)

Make up by @kiki_asiska05

Actor by …

Do you love me - arabic-english

old english-

Rules of Ornamentation in Arabic Music

Make sure