Hi, iam Kermit Glaze, Enjoy your time-off from me!
What Does Ctrl B Do In Chrome?
Google Chrome shortcut keysShortcut KeysDescriptionCtrl + Shift + BToggle the bookmarks bar between hidden and shown.Ctrl + ASelect everything on a page.Ctrl + DAdd a bookmark for the page currently opened.Ctrl + FOpen the “find” bar to search text on the current page.38 more rows•
32 Secret Combinations on Your Keyboard
Have you ever thought about how many secrets are hidden inside of your computer? Only 20 years ago, the most advanced …
15 Amazing Shortcuts You Aren’t Using
If you wanna be a power user, you shouldn’t deny the usefulness of hotkeys. They improve your everyday work and give an …
20 Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know!
These are the useful