Namaste, iam Kevin Adams, I hope today is better than yesterday.
Can I Insist On A Replacement For Faulty Goods?
If the fault arises within six months of the purchase, and it’s not because of fair wear and tear, accidental damage or misuse, then the retailer must repair or replace the faulty goods. If the retailer objects, he must prove that the item wasn’t faulty to begin with or that it wasn’t expected to last very long.
Consumer Rights and Consumer Law | Your rights under CRA 2015 and CCR | BlackBeltBarrister
As a consumer, you have consumer rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the Consumer Contracts Regulations.
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Write a email on
Consumer rights
00:00 introduction 00:08 consumer rights act 2015 00:34 background to the act 06:54 the provisions of the act 17:32 practical …